Tagged as Carbs

You’re trying to lose weight and you’re determined to achieve a certain goal by a certain deadline. But for some reason or other your efforts didn’t pay off as expected. What do you do? Do you beat yourself up about it; stressing, worrying, and panicking? The pressure to lose weight and look better can be a motivator, but many people allow themselves to be controlled entirely by that pressure. In fact,...
February 7, 2023
Many experts link drinking too many sugar-sweetened beverages to weight gain and related conditions such as type 2 diabetes. But do diet drinks made with -artificial sweeteners- also contribute? A recent study showed that consuming artificially sweetened beverages with carbohydrates could boost our risk of insulin resistance, but not at all in the way the researchers thought they would. Artificial...
August 10, 2020
Have you ever been on a diet? Most people have. This is how it goes: you start the - diet and feel great - for the first few days. After a week, you think that you’ve done enough to earn a "cheat" meal. You eat everything you couldn’t eat before, remember how good the food tasted, and then give up on the diet. There are other varieties of this same situation, but it always ends the same - you give...
February 13, 2019