Dr. Satlin received his M.D. from the University of Virginia and completed residency training in Internal Medicine and fellowship training in Infectious Diseases at Weill Cornell Medical College. He also received a Master's Degree in Clinical and Translational Investigation at Weill Cornell.He is Clinical Director of the Transplantation-Oncology Infectious Diseases Program at Weill Cornell and provides infectious diseases supportive care to immunocompromised hosts. Dr. Satlin's research interests are in the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections in immunocompromised hosts, and his research is supported by grants from NIAID and industry. He is Co-Chair of the Breakpoint Working Group of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute's Subcommittee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, participates on multiple committees of NIAID's Antibacterial Research Leadership Group, and serves on the Program Committee for ASM Microbe. He also serves as Associate Editor for Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy-Antimicrobial Resistance, is on the Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Microbiology, and is on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Clinical Infectious Diseases and Open Forum Infectious Diseases.
PracticeWeill Cornell Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Not Accepting New Patients
Insurances AcceptedAETNA, Aetna - NYP, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield Healthplus, Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, United Healthcare, VNSNY CHOICE, Oxford Health Plans, Health Insurance Plan of NY (HIP), GHI, CIGNA, UnitedHealthcare
DegreesMedical Doctor
Office NameWeill Cornell Medicine - Infectious Diseases