Tagged as Babies

Most of us can, medical professionals included, agree that breastfeeding is generally the best option for babies. Obviously, some of us need to use other options for any one of a number of reasons that make -breastfeeding difficult. And no one should ever feel ashamed of not breastfeeding. But there are health benefits to breastfeeding that are hard to ignore and one that was recently discovered which...
August 17, 2020
Kids may say the darndest things—but toddlers seem to have the market cornered on defiant expressions of opinion. Your once sweet—but inarticulate—baby turns into a fountain of “No!” Sometimes, it may sound as if your two-year-old doesn’t like you much anymore: “No.” “Go Away!” “Mine!” “Stop!” But toddlers aren’t looking to make you mad. They’re just not yet fully fluent—at 24 months they only have...
December 24, 2015
Many parents, in an effort to give their baby the best head start in life, purchase educational DVDs such as Brainy Baby and Baby Einstein. Although the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should not watch television until two years of age, countless parents rationalize contradicting this standard pediatric advice, seduced by the promise of a smarter child, or maybe at least by...
October 29, 2007