Tagged as CDC

Are you one of the 10% of people who’s been diagnosed with a penicillin allergy? Or do you know someone with a penicillin allergy? Well there’s a good chance that the medication allergy was actually misdiagnosed. Even worse, the misdiagnosis could put someone at higher risk for certain infections. About 10% of the population believes they’re allergic to penicillin, but only 1% actually is. This is...
September 23, 2022
An October 2016 study has prompted the CDC to urge all U.S. schools to have dental specialists come into the schools in order to apply sealant on children’s molars. It’s a fast and easy process. Research has shown that dental sealant can prevent up to 80% of cavities in children. Surprisingly though, it is estimated that 60% of kids don’t get sealant applied. Why is that, especially since research...
August 27, 2021
You may have heard reports recently about the effects of respirator masks on people who wear them all day. They paint a scary picture, one that creates an impossible choice: Leave everyone open to exposure or put everyone at risk of passing out from low oxygen levels. But it’s important to get all the facts before throwing away those masks. Some people have been promoting claims that lengthy mask use...
August 3, 2020
Hundreds of thousands of people could one day get their lives back… - For decades, doctors haven’t been able to agree on how to treat it. Patients have suffered in the meantime, some even resorting to dangerous - alternative treatments - in their desperation to get well. But mainstream medicine might finally have an answer for people who continue to suffer from Lyme disease, which is often misunderstood....
May 16, 2019
Officials from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have issued a formal warning regarding the spread of the drug-resistant - Candida auris - fungus. This drug-resistant organism has been spanning the globe over the past 10 years, but has lately been making the rounds in major cities in the United States. The majority of cases in the US have been in New York, New Jersey and Illinois, with more in...
April 12, 2019
Both sides are passionate about the issue, which has become as polarized as any political hot topic. One side says that the HPV vaccination (specifically the Gardisil vaccine) is safe, and that it’s vital to ending cervical and other cancers associated with the human papilloma virus (HPV). The other side says it’s harming, and even killing, healthy teenage kids and has no place in preventative medicine....
March 2, 2019