Like the villains in old-fashioned westerns, cholesterol tends to get viewed as one of our body’s bad guys. But cholesterol plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. So it's important to view it with balance. We need to keep it within optimal levels, but not view it as evil or bad because it's important to our wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at the role cholesterol plays in...
The advice on drinking and health seems to be constantly in flux. You may have heard a glass of wine a day -keeps the doctor away. But is this information still valid? The most recent research has us asking, “Is it time to give up that nightly cocktail?” A recent study out of the University of Washington indicates that drinking -any- amount of alcohol may be harmful to our health. This advice is contradictory...
Many Americans who may benefit from taking cholesterol-lowering medications (statins) are not taking them. Why? Over -half of them- say their doctor didn’t give them the option. With heart disease being the -leading cause of death- for men and women, researchers are concerned that people with high cholesterol are not getting the information they need to make an informed decision regarding their health....
We are into the 20th year of the millenium, and while the world has seen unprecedented and exponential growth and advancements in almost every sector, there’s another area that we've all seen grow rapidly – stress levels. With bustling lives becoming busier and more and more competitive, the stress levels have risen gradually over the years and have reached a crescendo, as a result of which, we are...
Cheese may no longer be a guilty pleasure. New information is dispelling the myth that foods high in milk fat are responsible for obesity and high cholesterol levels. What was once considered a solely “bad” fat may contain compounds that can protect against obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. In fact, it looks like making foods like cheese a regular part of your diet could even help you live...
Have you had a blood test recently and were surprised to learn your cholesterol was high? Are you concerned at how elevated your blood pressure reading was at your last doctor's appointment? Sure, you say to yourself, your diet isn’t perfect. And those numbers have been creeping up lately, so it isn’t exactly a huge surprise, but still, it is a shock to finally hear it. Your doctor probably offered some...
Do you or someone you love have high cholesterol? You are not alone. It is estimated that half of all adults in the United States have high total cholesterol and more than 25 percent have high LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol - 1. I urge anyone who has been troubled by the news that their cholesterol is high to stop focusing on a number. Your cholesterol level is only one of many risk factors for heart disease....
We have all grown up being pelleted with health "facts" - i.e., assertions or discoveries that had been solidly proven to be truthful, according to the latest research. Some people have blamed the Internet for the deluge of health information that has been unleashed but, clearly, we were overwhelmed with such information (thanks mostly to popular magazines and tabloids) even before its advent. Let's...