Tagged as chronic pain

According to one report out of the CDC, chronic pain affects 20 million adults in the US to such a degree that it interferes in their work or daily life. This is a not-insignificant percentage of our population. But a -new study- shows that people who have a college education report less pain than those who aren’t college-educated. And it turns out that socioeconomic factors may play a role. Let’s...
April 30, 2023
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is an autoimmune arthritis, also often referred to as inflammatory arthritis, which affects over 8 million US residents and 125 million people across the globe. Symptoms can vary depending on the person, with a broad range of illnesses spanning from bothersome to debilitating. Though there are both similarities and differences, as a disease, PsA falls into the same category...
August 9, 2022
INTRODUCTION - Pain is usually an indication that something is wrong in the body.  Think of it as a warning signal which needs to be addressed. While the root cause of said pain isn’t necessarily something that needs an immediate or drastic solution, it’s often impossible to say whether even mild pain is either nothing to worry about or something that could potentially be fatal. In other words, many...
July 10, 2022
Chronic pain can have devastating long-term effects on a person. It can derail even the most well-planned of days, and in some people, it can lead to crushing -depression and anxiety. Painkillers can lead to even worse problems from side effects to addiction to rebound pain, making treatment complicated. But new approaches may have some exciting breakthroughs to offer. Antiepileptic Medications - A...
October 29, 2021
Chronic pain can be utterly debilitating, but since life goes on it's vital to come up with ways to manage the pain while getting on with things. If the pain can’t be cured, adjusting to it and using methods (which vary by individual) to reduce it may contribute to a higher quality of life. Here are six ways to help some live better with chronic pain. 1. Reduce Life Stress - Stress has been proven...
June 21, 2021
Neck pain can be debilitating. It feels as though it's connected to every movement because, well, it is. We expect the neck to hold up this heavy bowling ball, to respond to every twitch and turn, and more recently we've started asking it to assume strange positions as we stare at our screens all day. So why are we always so surprised when it starts to hurt? Fortunately, there are some great ways to...
May 17, 2021
Millions of people are working from home who never had done so before. And many of our homes are not necessarily equipped for the rigors of a workday. Prior to this we often tapped away at the kitchen table or perched in bed. But the new rigors combined with a lack of proper office equipment has left many hurting. “Tech Neck” happens when people work for long hours and don’t sit in a way that supports...
April 5, 2021
Burning toes, stinging fingers, shooting electric shocks up the leg nerve pain can cause agony to those suffering from the effects. And pinpointing the source isn’t always easy. It can have a number of causes. So we begin with documentation, but then what? How do we decode that information and how to move forward from there? - Nerve Pain Defined - Nerve pain can manifest in a number of ways, but most...
August 13, 2020
According to the -National Library of Medicine-, 80% of people will experience back pain at least once during their lifetime. And for far too many sufferers, that pain is chronic. If you've ever suffered back pain then you know how miserable it is. Our backs are connected to everything! And too often it feels like we can't move. Back ha a way of draining us of motivation to do much of anything. The...
August 6, 2020
Burning, aching, pinching, stabbing — no matter how it takes hold, pain can quickly put the brakes on an otherwise productive day. Estimates are that 20% of the population of the United States lives with chronic pain. And 8% live with "high-impact chronic pain." Couple this with an opioid epidemic that has doctors rethinking their strategies for prescribing the most effective pain medications, and...
July 15, 2020