Tagged as cleaners

Disinfectants are vital to keeping a clean home, especially in the time of a pandemic. But they have a startling downside. For all that they help us to keep surfaces clean and everyone in the household safe, they may be doing damage to our lungs. Disinfectants can contain compounds that irritate and damage them, leading to asthma and even COPD. Women are more susceptible than men, and those who use...
June 19, 2020
Many people unknowingly put themselves in danger when they tackle household chores, especially if they’re using citrus-based solvents or bleach. It turns out that when you mix some cleaning supplies or use them too close together, they produce -nearly as much- smog as an automobile. Preserve your home’s air quality when you clean by avoiding these dangerous habits. Let's look at why smog occurs with...
February 17, 2020