Tagged as connection

More people than ever are being affected by quarantines. We’re all at risk, but older populations put themselves in even more danger than most by breaking stay-at-home orders. But bonding time with those youngsters is incredibly important, and we all know that going back is impossible. So what's a dedicated grandparent to do? Until this mess is over, buffer the blow by being the best digital grandparent...
May 4, 2020
Men have all sorts of ideas in their head about what makes for a great, epic lover that a woman’s going to really remember. And many of these are misconceptions. Men being men, often get their ideas about what women want from men’s magazines or porn - but the problem is that porn is designed for men, not women. So if you think throwing a woman around in as many different acrobatic positions as possible...
July 6, 2019
There’s an intense debate swirling around us as to the state of teenage-dom in today’s world. Is bullying an old thing that’s getting new attention? Or is it quantitatively or qualitatively worse? Are kids less resilient than ever before, or are the pressures just that much greater? Are they meaner to one another? Or is cruelty just more visible than it was before? - There could be some truth to all...
February 18, 2019
The other night my daughter called me from her dad's house. The first thing she asked was if she had any appointments this week. I said, "Yes, you have a doctor's appointment after school on Monday." She immediately got mad and told me how much homework she was going to have that day and how she didn't have time for any appointments. "Why do you always sign me up for things after school on Monday?!?"...
November 26, 2018
It’s a familiar scene. You’re out at a café at lunch and you see a child and what looks to be their parent sitting at a two-person table. The parent is scrolling through their phone endlessly, picking at their meal, making zero eye-contact with their kid, and the child is playing a mindless game on an iPad or tablet barely touching their food. I feel disheartened when I see a parent and child “spending...
April 15, 2015