Cutting back on dairy? You can skip cheese, milk, and yogurt and still get enough calcium. Greens, beans, nuts, fish, and fruit are all calcium-rich and power-packed with fiber and other nutrients. According to the Mayo Clinic, women need about 1,000 mg of calcium daily during the ages of 19-50; 1200 mg per day at 51 and older. For men, their bodies need about 1,000 mg of calcium daily from the ages...
Coconut milk, a traditional cooking staple in Thailand, has recently gained popularity in the United States. It’s versatile and nutritious, making it a delicious cooking substitute for dairy. Coconut milk is becoming increasingly popular in the United States — and for good reason. It may improve cardiovascular health, help fight against infections, ease gastric ulcers and reduce anxiety. It also improves...
Going vegan can be a big shift if you're eating the standard meat-heavy American diet. When you consider the sheer overwhelming number of things that contain dairy, well, it's enough to daunt even the most dedicated diet changer. Even things like spending time with family and friends, or going out to eat, may need to change. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But there are some other things to think...
Acne reminiscent of the teenage years isn’t the “youthful” look most adults are aiming for. Breakouts can be frustrating and feel like something that should have been left in the past, along with awkward prom dates and first jobs. We wanted to tackle this for our readers and our preliminary research indicates some exciting news that puts at least some amount of control in the hands of those with this...