Tagged as dating

You parted ways amicably. Your partner broke it off, but claims he still loves you and wants to stay friends. You don’t see why that couldn’t work – after all, this is the person who knows you best. You were always there for each other, you were already friends while you were a couple. Such a deep bond can’t just disappear – so why wouldn’t it work now? - It is possible, but not very likely, that you’ll...
June 11, 2024
Cindy met Bill through her tennis club. He was charming, good-looking, and he swept her off her feet in a whirlwind courtship. Pushing for a quick marriage, he proposed after only two months. Though she felt a few flutters of anxiety, Cindy accepted, hoping for true love. Six months later, she deeply regretted the haste. Bill turned out to be both alcoholic and verbally abusive, with the threat of...
September 21, 2022
Loves seems like it should be the ultimate requirement for finding the perfect life partner. But there's much more that we need beyond love. While there are some solid characteristics that every relationship should have, it's ultimately up to us to decide— but based on what? Ahh, we've got you Check this out. 1. Consider How They Handle Tough Times - A key element to consider when choosing a life partner...
June 4, 2021
Starting to freak out because you're still single? Inhale through your nose; exhale through your mouth and relax. There are lots of reasons it might actually be -better- for you to find your true love when you're well past your 20s. These days, plenty of people date and don't get married until they are in their 30s, 40s or beyond. While you won't get to spend the hard-partying years with your mate...
January 15, 2021
You know, that person that you see — they just seem to exude that something special that you can’t quite put your hands on? They radiate charisma, an air of confidence, ease, joy and a certain- je ne sais quoi. Some people naturally have this way of being, while others need to cultivate it. This is what it means to radiate inner sexiness. In our search for love, we’re primarily seeking two things:...
October 16, 2019
Like it or not, dating is a game. Play your cards right and you can land a great guy! - Do men seem unattracted to you? Do men hardly ask you out for a second date? - Maybe you ask yourself (as I once did) … - Why do men desire, respect and pursue some women and not others? What is the magic allure that causes a man to prefer a woman over his buddies, fall in love and seriously consider marriage? -...
June 4, 2019
The Law of Attraction says that we create our own reality—both positive and negative—by the thoughts and actions we put out into the universe. Thoughts and emotions are a form of energy, and the energy we project into the world is the same energy we will attract back to us. This applies whether you are focusing on what you want in your life or what you don’t want. Whatever you direct your attention...
November 8, 2018
Dating after divorce in the hopes of finding true love can be a difficult experience. It’s not just the fact that you’re older or nervous, tired of rejection and being pushed aside by so many options these days. No matter what you’re saying to yourself, anybody divorced, anyone dating a divorcé really, is riddled with a whole host of questions like a reporter sussing out a lead… “-What broke them apart?...
October 18, 2018
Has finding lasting love made you feel insane? Have you found yourself attracting the same type of mate and suffering through the same painful prolonged breakups? Have you vowed never – and I mean never – to date or fall in love again? Supposedly, one far wiser than I am, Mr. Albert Einstein himself, said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I don’tknow...
July 26, 2018
After being married 25 years, I’m suffering a bit from PTSD. Not necessarily from the divorce but rather from being thrown back into the dating pool! Maybe you are like me too, where finding that ideal partner has seemed like a bad joke on most days. For many, dating is a game. A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set...
April 17, 2018