Tagged as Diabetes

How much do we know about our personal health risks? While overall health can vary greatly between people, women are at particular risk for 5 serious health conditions. Luckily, there are proactive steps we can take to reduce our chances of joining their statistics. Women are at particular risk for heart disease, breast cancer, lung disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and complications from diabetes. By...
January 8, 2025
Chronic sleep deprivation, getting insufficient sleep for an extended period of time, has been associated with a slew of -health issues-, ranging from cardiovascular disease to metabolic syndrome. If that’s not bad enough, some chronic conditions can turn poor sleep quality into a deadly threat. Are you at risk? - Sleep deprivation can take a toll on the body. For those who are healthy, it can increase...
October 30, 2024
We live in a fast-paced world, so it can be easy to ignore little pains or annoyances when they hit. Have a headache? Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Something feels off? Get to bed a little earlier and hope for the best. Small aches and pains are usually nothing to worry over, but there are some subtle symptoms we shouldn’t ignore. The key is knowing the difference. Dizziness can sometimes...
November 25, 2023
Thanks to better nutrition labeling, increased awareness and science-based nutrition education, Americans are now - consuming a healthier diet - than they did in years past. Many people are paying more attention to nutrition labels and striving to make healthier food choices and are then surprised to learn that there are several hidden, unhealthy fillers and additives in many of the foods they eat....
October 23, 2023
Cholesterol is a necessary component to good health. Your body uses it during digestion, hormone production, and proper cell function. Because high cholesterol levels in the blood can lead to cardiovascular disease and stroke, dietary cholesterol has long held a bad reputation. While current government - dietary guidelines - still recommend eating a diet low in cholesterol, newer - research - suggests...
August 24, 2023
Diabetes is one of those conditions that -like to masquerade and hide. It's not exactly silent but it's also not one that jumps to mind because the symptoms seem unrelated to the condition itself. And as a result, many people may have it, and therefore be untreated and subject to much worse effects, and not even realize it. These symptoms are such that if a person has them, they really should seek...
July 29, 2023
Good things do indeed come in small packages! Nuts and seeds are often overlooked as important health foods, but -they pack a mighty punch fighting disease-, including the nation’s number one killer, heart disease. If you are worried that nuts and seeds are too fattening to be included in your diet, you shouldn’t. While you should definitely avoid eating nuts to excess, adding nuts to the diet helps...
February 3, 2023
While a diabetes diagnosis can come with a scary and long list of don’ts, it turns out that for women, tea and coffee should not be on that list. According to a preliminary study-, caffeine intake has surprising benefits for diabetic women. The study was presented at the -European Association for the Study of Diabetes (-EASD-) Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal in 2017. A Fine Cup Of Coffee - The results...
November 22, 2022
You would be hard pressed to find a person who is not aware of the dangers of too much sugar.  Warnings are given pretty much anywhere you turn and yet, Americans on average consume 153 grams of sugar a day. That is the equivalent of 6 chocolate bars, or more than a quarter pounder made completely out of sugar. That places the U.S. among the world’s top consumers of sugar, at approximately 123 pounds...
October 29, 2022
Losing weight can feel like an uphill battle. Ideas about how to lose weight come from so many sources, and it can feel overwhelming at times with different approaches working for different people. But there are some simple tricks to make weight loss easier—hacks if you will. Among those tricks may be adjusting what time you eat dinner. Let’s take a look at how your dinner time could be affecting the...
October 28, 2022