Tagged as Diet Mistakes

According to a poll recently published in -The Independent-, the typical person will have attempted 126 diets throughout their lifetime. Many of us are willing to jump on just about any bandwagon with the promise of improved health or a slimmer waistline — but sticking to a new regimen is often easier said than done — and making it a permanent change is even -more- difficult. In fact, the average diet...
June 7, 2021
Intuitive eating may be the key to a healthier life and a stable weight. According to an article in the - British Medical Journal - , sustained dietary restriction (eliminating one or more food groups) may not have sustainable weight loss or health benefits.- Intuitive eating may be the solution. What Does “Intuitive Eating” Mean? - Intuitive eating is -the process of eating with mindfulness and intention.- Instead...
March 4, 2021