Tagged as family conflict

When it comes to conflict and arguments, the last thing anyone wants is for tempers to flare — though they too often do. In most cases, diversion is the key to creating a calm situation. Regardless of how things escalated, ending on a peaceful note can save face and possibly a relationship. One way to do this? Comic relief. Here are some tips on managing conflict with good humor. Pull Out Your Playful...
July 7, 2021
No two families are the same and definitely, no two dynamics are the same, but some families get along better than others. And if you're the person who has been longing for the reason others get along while looking askance at your own bickering brood, we hope this will help. The differences can come down to several possible factors, each having the power to bring groups of loved ones together or drive...
April 28, 2021
Difficult relatives may make the holidays more complicated whether the gathering is of the traditional sort with people around a table, or even if it's a virtual affair—difficult people make everything more, well, difficult. But when you know you’re going to be interacting with people who may cause friction or discomfort, being prepared is the first and maybe the most important step. Fortunately, there...
November 23, 2020