Tagged as fitness plan

The idea of working toward fitness goals may seem daunting. Like some huge insurmountable plan that the average person can never enact. And l-et’s face it, not all of us are couch potatoes without reason. Mobility and health issues impact some of us and can make our journey to fitness more challenging. But there are some great ways, and important reasons, to work toward getting fit no matter where...
August 3, 2022
How much do you know about fitness? It's one of those things that's always around and we think we know a lot about, but when you look a little deeper you realize that much of hat we think we know may be myth or assumption. We’ve put together some interesting exercise facts that may surprise you. Stretching Before a Workout May Be Useless - Most people believe it's essential to stretch and warm-up before...
September 16, 2020
Each year, countless people set their New Year’s resolutions. In 2020, the -most common resolution- was to exercise more. Eating healthy and losing weight came in third and fourth, respectively. That’s a lot of people starting something new, and many of them may not have any experience with exercise at all. So, what should you do if you want to get more active, even though you’re a newbie to the gym?...
February 17, 2020