Tagged as Food Safety

A lot of people adore sushi, but they might not realize the health risks associated with their culinary delights. A recent compilation of past studies strongly suggested that parasites in seafood might be on the rise. For anyone who eats raw or undercooked seafood, the risk of contracting parasites is real. In the last 40 years, the abundance of worms in these items has gone up drastically. A 283-fold...
March 10, 2025
Whether it's restaurant leftovers or holiday feast leftovers, or just the desire to overcook a meal so you have less to cook the next day, a surprising number of us eat leftovers multiple times per week. But improperly cooked leftovers can be a serious source of illness. So let’s take a look at the best ways to prepare leftover foods safely so we can enjoy them again. And while we're at it, we'll cover...
December 18, 2020
It’s a scary time to be alive. Especially so if you or someone you love has a preexisting condition that may predispose you or them to a severe or seven deadly encounter with COVID-19. When going out for basic supplies, the smallest rogue coughs or sniffles are cause for concern. And then there’s the added complication of -asymptomatic- spreaders — people who don’t look or act sick but are actively...
July 30, 2020
Plastics have come under fire in recent years, with long-term health effects becoming a growing concern. BPA, Bisphenol A, an ingredient used to make plastic more pliable, has received much of the attention. It's pretty easy to find BPA free plastic these days as manufacturers realized quickly that consumers wanted to protect their health. Reports of BPA leaching into drinks and causing -endocrine...
July 3, 2020
Many seemingly -healthy foods-, such as granola, veggie chips, protein shakes, yogurt, sports drinks and trail mix, aren’t as healthy as many might think. Food labels can trick consumers into thinking they’re choosing a nutritious, wholesome product when it’s actually loaded with sugar, sodium, fat, preservatives and other questionable ingredients. Moreover, the rules can change suddenly, further complicating...
March 30, 2020
It seems safe to assume when grocery shopping or eating out at a restaurant, that the food is safe and free from vermin. While it’s usually safe to assume the former, it turns out that we should never assume the latter. In fact, we should expect a -percentage of vermin- in all the foods we eat. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) actually has standards to limit, but not eliminate, critters...
January 21, 2020
Nearly 20% of U.S. adults -claim- they have a food allergy. Some, or maybe even most of these truly believe they have an allergy. Yet only half of them have an official medical diagnosis. While many of these adults may believe they have an allergy because weakened immunity runs in their family or they have had an adverse reaction to certain foods in the past, the lack of diagnosis actually causes some...
September 10, 2019
Hunters and fans of deer, elk and moose meat may have a growing threat to worry about. At least - 25 U.S. states and 3 Canadian provinces - have confirmed cases of a deadly and contagious disease ravaging wild and domestic game populations. This “zombie” deer disease causes muscle wasting, reduced coordination and behavioral changes in these animals, is similar to “mad cow disease,” and we don’t yet...
June 4, 2019
As a preface to what you’re about to read, the intent of this article is not to make you paranoid. The purpose is to create awareness! - Public places can often times be much more contaminated than you think. A simple trip to the grocery store can expose a person to a staggering array of germs. These can potently translate to sicknesses and diseases. While working at a grocery store, this concept is...
May 12, 2016
I wasn’t going to post anything today. I was too busy contemplating some of the responses to my recent post about the -perils of drinking milk. There are some real stout defenders of the dairy industry (perhaps some fiscally motivated) and several felt the need to email me directly and/or try and post (so glad our platform has a profanity filter which does not allow profane posts to go live) implications...
March 20, 2015