Potassium, an essential electrolyte, is vital to human health. It controls the body’s muscles, nerves and heart function. Having too little potassium is called -hypokalemia- while having high blood levels is referred to as hyperkalemia. Both of these conditions can be dangerous, but few realize how hyperkalemia can affect our health. Common Symptoms of Hyperkalemia - A routine blood test called a basic...
A staggering -70% of US residents- would feel ill-prepared to handle a medical emergency that required them to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Considering about 88% of all heart attacks occur at home, away from immediate medical care, each of us could potentially save a life by knowing this one skill. Any ability is better than none at all, but the more current the practice, the better...
When it comes to heart attacks, most people think of crushing chest pain and shooting pains in the left arm. They often also think of men. Which makes sense since it's men who are more likely to experience these particular symptoms. But for women, the symptoms of a heart attack may be (and often are) different. Ok so maybe you knew that, but did you know that women may also be more susceptible to the...
We take medications in the hope of improving our lives, and most of us trust that the positive effects usually outweigh the negative ones. Just as importantly, we trust that most of what we’re taking is as safe as it is effective. But that’s not always the case. Sometimes our medications do much more harm than good, including the worst possible outcome. Hydroxychloroquine and Heart Rhythm - Once only...
Drones are proving to be far more than video recording devices and battle bots. Last year, one -made headlines- for rushing a kidney to an anxiously awaiting transplant recipient and the team of surgeons. Now, researchers are considering the possibility of using drones as first responders. And in the time of pandemics and health worries, this may not be that far off as we all scramble to bring resources...
Though they may seem like very different parts of the body with very different purposes, the gut and the heart actually have a lot in common. Both are focal points for many of the feelings we experience — and whether you listen to your gut or follow your heart, you’ve likely felt the emotional effects of both. But colloquialisms aside, researchers have recently discovered a whole new, purely physical...
Would it shock you to learn that each year, up to 100 people die from shoveling snow, and thousands more are injured? It sure surprised us. This is according to the -National Safety Council. From pulled muscles and broken bones to heart attacks and head injuries, snow shoveling is a dangerous household chore. But it doesn’t have to be. If you understand the risks and practice snow-shoveling safety,...
Who doesn’t enjoy a good, hot soak? Hot tubs can be a fun and relaxing way to decompress and soothe an achy body, and they might even offer some health benefits. Hot tubs can be great for achy bodies, stress relief and improved sleep quality. A hot soak may also have metabolic benefits. But there are some cases when hot tubs can do more harm than good, and some people should avoid them altogether....
Sometimes loneliness strikes unexpectedly. Loneliness can come on even if we have a close-knit group of friends or identify as a self-described introvert. Other times, we may desperately want to connect with someone but lack the time, energy or social skills to develop a bond with new or existing friends. Regardless of what triggers our loneliness, it can impact our health in -a major way. There are...
It’s an exciting time to be alive. We’re seeing some amazing medical breakthroughs, with plenty more advancements on the horizon. Some of the top researchers in their fields have shared their predictions, and -the future of medicine looks bright. Lifesaving Heart Advances - Heart attacks strike 735,000 people each year in the U.S., killing 610,000 of them. 210,000 of those had suffered at least one...