Tagged as lung health

The fear is real. If you do catch the coronavirus or something else nasty enough to give you a serious lung infection, your odds of going to the ICU or needing a ventilator can rise significantly. As a community, we are palpably ignorant of ways to help ourselves and possibly increase our chances of being alright when the lungs get involved. What we do to keep our lungs clear if an infection strikes...
October 22, 2023
Lung health is one of those biggies most people don’t think much about until they notice a decline. There are several ways we can affect how well our lungs function, with lifestyle factors playing a significant role in many cases. But a big surprise to us anyway, is that weight gain is a big one. Weight and Lung Function - The connection might not be intuitive or obvious, but body mass index (BMI)...
July 30, 2020
Disinfectants are vital to keeping a clean home, especially in the time of a pandemic. But they have a startling downside. For all that they help us to keep surfaces clean and everyone in the household safe, they may be doing damage to our lungs. Disinfectants can contain compounds that irritate and damage them, leading to asthma and even COPD. Women are more susceptible than men, and those who use...
June 19, 2020
We’re still learning the long-term effects of COVID-19, but from what we do know, it can leave some people recovering for a long time. Severe infections can leave people with lasting lung damage, heart problems, blood clots, organ damage, muscle weakness and neurological issues. It’s important to have hope, especially after the world has thrown us so many recent curveballs, and we don't want to destroy...
May 13, 2020
We’re still learning the long-term effects of COVID-19, but from what we do know, it can leave some people recovering for a long time. Severe infections can leave people with lasting lung damage, heart problems, blood clots, organ damage, muscle weakness and neurological issues. It’s important to have hope, especially after the world has thrown us so many recent curveballs, and we don't want to destroy...
May 13, 2020
Squashes, one of the oldest known -crops cultivated- in the Americas, squash is available in several varieties, including buttercup, Hubbard, winter pumpkins, butternuts, cushaw, zucchini, yellow squash and courgette, among many others. Squash is a long-storing vegetable so many like it for that. Not to mention, it can often be pretty cheap compared to other veggies. But there are as many reasons to...
April 30, 2020
Lung function slowly begins to -decline- after we hit 35 or so, which may make it harder for some people to breathe effectively as they age. And here we are with not only the pandemic but environmental factors challenging ur lungs more than ever before. But while you may not be able to preserve your 25-year-old lung capacity forever, there are ways to manage how gracefully your lungs age and even to...
April 28, 2020