Tagged as memory loss

Everyone’s brain gets a bit dim with age; it’s part of the normal aging process. However, forgetfulness can also be a sign that -something more serious- is at play, such as dementia, hypothyroidism, medication interactions, brain tumor, trauma or another disease. If an illness is to blame, quick intervention is vital. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the difference between normal forgetfulness...
August 2, 2022
Alzheimer's and dementia devastate lives. They destroy the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and they have a way of making us feel helpless. But maybe we're not as helpless as it seems. Maybe we can do something to keep these monsters at bay. We already -know that interventions like cognitive training and physical exercise -can delay dementia. But we also know from other conditions that almost...
August 10, 2020
It might seem like a bizarre connection, but a common mouth germ could be responsible for more than just bad breath. It may be one more puzzle piece in understanding why and how Alzheimer’s disease forms. The bacteria that causes bad breath and gingivitis, the same mouth germ that can cause endocarditis if it travels to the heart, may now be implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown the...
March 26, 2020
Why do some memories stick with us vividly throughout our lives, while others quickly obscure or fade away? Memories fall into that fuzzy realm between reality and imagination. As concrete as they may seem, all memories are mere impressions of larger pictures that can become skewed and even erased over time. The science behind it might look complicated, but the basic ideas behind how we form and use...
January 20, 2020