Tagged as Miscarriage

How often do you take over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers? Did you know you could be increasing your chances of serious, even life-threatening side effects? The benefits and risks are slightly different with each type, which makes some more risky than others depending on your health. We have the breakdown for you, so you can take appropriate steps if you feel that is necessary. OTC pain relievers...
November 26, 2024
Women all over the United States are fighting against Bayer AG because of their Essure permanent birth control device. Essure, a non-surgical sterilization device for women, has been the subject of severe scrutiny as thousands of women have reported a multitude of adverse events as a result of the device. This past summer - , there were a total of 20,000 documented adverse events that were reported...
May 15, 2019
When people start researching female infertility they often ask these female infertility questions: what is female infertility, what causes it, what are the signs and symptoms, how does age affect female infertility and a woman’s ability to get pregnant, how do doctors determine the cause of the infertility, how is female infertility treated, and what are the odds that an infertile woman will become...
March 20, 2017