Tagged as Pesticides

Organic foods are everywhere these days. About 70% of Americans buy organic food occasionally, and 25% buy it weekly, -according to the Hartman Group. Buying organic can be more expensive, and organic food is typically marketed to be healthier. Most skeptics say that there’s no difference between organic and conventional food – that it’s just a ploy to extract more money out of consumers. Is that true?...
June 5, 2022
You want to stock your pantry with healthy foods, but what you see isn’t always what you get. Some of those “healthy” fruits and vegetables you want in your diet are riddled with dangerous pesticides. Should you go organic? Or should you consider skipping these “dirty dozen” fruits and vegetables? - Each year, a “dirty dozen” list of fruits and vegetables reveals those that test the highest for pesticides....
January 29, 2022
Are you struggling with gut health? Maybe it's scorching heartburn. Or bloating and cramping takes over the gut a little while after eating, and then it only gets worse. A careful food diary confirms the problem only happens after you eat certain foods. Friends mention that maybe it’s gluten intolerance, but gluten doesn’t always seem to be the trigger. And then you may end up eliminating some foods...
February 10, 2021
We all know that plenty of fresh -fruit and vegetables in our diet- is healthy for us long term as the nutrients and vitamins they provide are essential for our bodies and we tend to feel better when eating such a diet as well. However, not all fruit and vegetables are the same, with pressure to produce volumes, -many non-organic farmers use pesticides- of all kinds to keep their crops healthy and...
August 4, 2016
If you’re as disturbed about the declining bee population as I am, you’re probably wondering (or maybe already know) what is causing their decline? - The answer in a word: insecticides. As if spraying toxic chemicals on our food wasn’t really bad enough, these chemicals are playing a role in destroying our planet and our little fuzzy friends - the bees. As a result of this, the bee population statistics...
October 4, 2015
Although there is no question that we should all set goals meant to improve our health, such goals, though, need to be realistic, measurable and achievable.  Oftentimes, however, people set goals that will likely end in failure - sometimes, it may not even be humanly possible, given the circumstances, to complete them. Having said that, "unrealistic" is NOT (at least in this article) synonymous with...
June 5, 2015
There are many reasons you should purchase organic products at the grocery store. Foods with a USDA Organic label are not grown with chemical pesticides, genetically modified or treated with sewage or petroleum-based pesticides. We have the best intentions at the grocery store, but ultimately it comes down to a question of cost. Many families cannot afford to purchase all organic produce. However,...
January 5, 2015
One of your best health protection options is choosing certified organic foods. You should always thoroughly wash all raw vegetables and fruits (including those organically grown) to rid them of bacteria, but no method: washing, freezing, or cooking - will eradicate pesticide residue from conventionally grown produce. A large percentage of pesticides currently in use are regarded as potential carcinogens,...
September 17, 2014