Tagged as reinfection

Pharmaceutical companies have been scrambling to find a weapon against COVID-19 because it's -just plain terrifying. Recent reports on long-term immunity to COVID-19 have -been discouraging-, with studies showing antibody levels usually declining within months of the infection clearing and most recently some reinfections happening. But there’s no need to give up -all- hope yet; the news might not be...
October 20, 2020
Many US residents are anxious to know when the quarantine and stay-at-home orders will come to an end. Right now, the answers appear vague, at best. The timeframe will depend on how fast we can stop the coronavirus from spreading, and whether we can avoid a resurgence after the first wave ends. So we wondered, how likely is a resurgence? The virus’s pattern in China may offer some clues. China’s numbers...
April 13, 2020