Tagged as salmonella

Animals can contract viral and bacterial illnesses just like humans. But do animals pass these on to their owners? There answer is -it depends. While animal illnesses like -heartworm or kennel cough- can’t be shared with humans, there certainly are conditions that can. Pets can share toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, salmonella, ringworm and rabies with their owners. These conditions range from mild and...
March 7, 2025
Bacteria can influence our bodies in ways even experts still struggle to understand. Invaders can ravage a system, some attacking with such speed and fury that they can overwhelm and kill their hosts despite all efforts to stop them. In some cases, the damage and waste products bacteria leave behind could be equally as devastating. They might even contribute to many different autoimmune and neurodegenerative...
November 27, 2021
Back in 2017, -more than 500- Royal Caribbean passengers became sick after two of the company’s ships were hit by a gastrointestinal illness. And this isn’t the first time. Every year, -hundreds of people- fall sick during cruises. Unfortunately, cruise-related -health concerns- aren’t surprising, as passengers are confined to a shared space for much of the trip. But cruising can be such fun. What'...
March 19, 2020