If you have -hypothyroidism-, or you’re at risk for it based on family history, some foods can be worse than others in keeping your thyroid levels under control. Yes, there are foods that can make your thyroid even more sluggish. So if you’re feeling like you just can’t seem to get on top of your symptoms, here are 5 of the worst foods that you should consider cutting from your diet. Fast and Fatty...
Should I Eat Soy? - Confusion surrounds soy and soy products. Are they healthful or harmful? Let’s examine the myths and facts surrounding soy. Not a Magic Pill or a Poison; Just a Bean - Compared to other beans, soybeans are unique, possessing a different macronutrient composition. They are higher in protein and fat and lower in carbohydrate than other beans. Soybeans come in a variety of different...