Tagged as Thanksgiving

Here they come again — office parties, family dinners, gifts to buy and holiday crowds — it doesn’t take long before stress starts to take its toll. From traveling to entertaining or just trying to keep up with the holiday rush, we have some survival tips. Holiday stress doesn’t have to be a looming disaster waiting to happen. Conquer the beast by getting enough sunlight, planning ahead, pacing yourself...
November 13, 2022
With a chill now in the evening air and fireplace hearths heating up, what better way to shift gears into the new season than to break out the hot chocolate and soak in some quality time with the people who mean the most? Oh, except there's a pandemic. F - or those of us who live far away from loved ones, the holidays are often a time to reconnect, catch up and strengthen family bonds. COVID-19 will...
November 23, 2020
COVID-19 has altered so much of our day-to-day lives, we barely blinked at all the candy chutes this Halloween, if we even noticed. Or maybe we did a stay-home Halloween. We've modified our routines, switched to working from home, and learned to help our kids through a Zoom call. And here we are, sliding into the holidays as new lockdowns are being implemented and restrictions tighten again for much...
November 18, 2020
The most common Thanksgiving holiday traditions are: - Giving Thanks - Thanksgiving Day Parade - Football - Breaking the wishbone - Turkey and Trimmings I am unclear how the genealogy section of About.com determined this; yet intuitively it appears correct. Ever curious (and always looking for content for my column), I wondered how these came to be; so I did some research. I share. According to historians,...
November 22, 2015
For most people, Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks, getting together with those you care about, celebrating, sharing, and eating lots of food. Enjoying a Thanksgiving meal can mean consuming foods and beverages that you do not normally eat, but can also be a time of overdoing it and spending the following week trying to make up for it with dieting and exercise. Following are some ideas on how...
November 14, 2015
Thanksgiving is best known for the gargantuan feast, football and insane holiday shopping. The excess of food and consumerism can be overwhelming so this year, why not go green and even be a little creative with the holiday itself? Here's how! - Buy local and organic - Shopping for food and or ingredients to make the big meal can be time consuming and costly. Do your best to make wise choices and choose...
November 9, 2015