Tagged as Therapists

Reaching the end of your rope and need a few new ways to deal with it all? Maybe you’ve considered therapy but aren’t sure what will work best for you. There could be apps that might help but they may not be great for everyone. We have a breakdown of all the pros and cons, when to try an app and when to seek other options. Let's look at how they stack up to in-person therapy. The Benefits of Therapy...
May 12, 2020
After thirty years of practice, I can confidently say that most therapists are good people. So the likelihood of you finding one who means well, listens carefully, and cares about you is excellent. But these characteristics alone - while critical - do not guarantee good therapy. Let me give you an example from my own practice, where I often see clients who have seen other therapists. "Martin" called...
March 2, 2015
After all that I've written about what to expect in therapy/counseling, whether the process "works" and the like - I got to wondering about what some of the bad therapy experiences people out there have had. Therapists are "people" too who have lapses in judgement, have made mistakes or been downright unethical! Or it might be a matter of personality mismatch. I'm curious to know if anyone is interested...
May 22, 2008
I've had interesting social experiences lately when people have learned that I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist...I was at a party last weekend and this guy that I've seen around at similar gatherings came up to me and said, "So I hear you're a shrink?" I politely corrected him, "I'm not a psychiatrist but a Marriage and Family Therapist..." He paused and retorted, "Same thing." My husband was standing...
May 22, 2008
How do you know when you're done with the therapy process? Therapists have different ideas about therapy - whether they strictly adhere to goals related to the presenting problem - or they take a more more flexible position where there is room for an ebb and flow of the process. I happen to fall more on the latter side of the continuum and I do so because I've seen more many people begin therapy with...
May 20, 2008
There are a lot of aspects to finding an individual or relationship therapist. Everyone has a different priority list ranging from cost, location, education, gender and more. What about whether the therapist has done any of his/her own therapy work? Some graduate schools require their students have a certain number of therapy hours as a client - but many don't. Do you want to work with someone who...
May 19, 2008
I've heard people say, "Why should we bring our personal relationship problems to a therapist? We should be able to figure this out on our own." I can understand this position - especially for people who have attached negative ideas to "therapy" or "counseling." The fact of the matter is, relationship counseling works for those who work at it. I tell couples time and time again, if they both are willing...
May 19, 2008