Tagged as Toxins

Conventional “beauty” products are filled with chemicals, fake fragrances (aka more chemicals), dyes, and harmful agents such as aluminum, which can increase your risk for cancer. Not to mention nearly every single one of these products has been tested on animals. These products have been marketed not only to make you think that you need them, but also to make you think that they’re beneficial for...
January 19, 2023
Unfortunately both the US government and the big corporations have their own peculiar, difficult-to-fathom notion of what constitutes "safe."  Most of us would say that something is "safe" if: - it's been thoroughly tested by objective, not-swayed-by-special-interests-&-financial-concerns researchers, - its benefits far outweigh any potential side-effects, complications & interactions with other substances,...
November 9, 2021
Their deep, saturated red will make you sweat. Their thick stems are seductively plump. Their green, leafy tops are vibrant and tasty. What vegetable could we possibly be talking about? - The beet - Beets certainly don’t have a rep as the sexiest of all vegetables, but when you take their health benefits into account, they begin to look more and more attractive. These root vegetables have been around...
September 9, 2019
According to Harvard University and other researchers, the government approved additive being used by most municipal water authorities is now officially classified as a neurotoxin that can cause long term brain damage. This -Harvard study- linked water fluoridation to a loss in IQ, stating that "fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain.” Animal...
June 22, 2018
Perhaps because it is so readily and inexpensively available, we all generally take water for granted.  Like electricity, we can't possibly live without water, but, still, we assume that it will always be available when we want it. Of course, electricity isn't a physiological necessity but how many people today in developed countries would be able to function were it not available? - Not only do we...
April 27, 2018
Access to germ-free and unpolluted water has always been important.  Most people know that. People know, for example, that contagious, microorganism-induced diseases were often the main cause of death before the 1900s.  They also probably know that water (as in the case of cholera, malaria, Schistosomiasis, Shigellosis, etc.) was often the medium that these microorganisms needed or used to spread themselves...
August 10, 2016
We all know that plenty of fresh -fruit and vegetables in our diet- is healthy for us long term as the nutrients and vitamins they provide are essential for our bodies and we tend to feel better when eating such a diet as well. However, not all fruit and vegetables are the same, with pressure to produce volumes, -many non-organic farmers use pesticides- of all kinds to keep their crops healthy and...
August 4, 2016
There are a number of reasons why you shouldn't blindly trust in either the government or big corporations when it comes to whether something is safe or not.  For one thing, these people may define "safe" more liberally than you - in other words, they may be willing to inflict a higher risk on you than you would be willing to inflict on yourself if you were in their shoes. Secondly, big companies often...
May 26, 2016
Although we've made great headway in the area of eating healthy, many people still question whether it's worth the effort and, more importantly, if it really makes a difference in the long run.  For sure, some of the arguments that they give for not changing their supposedly "unhealthy" diets appear to make sense. You may even say that, in some instances, they are 100% correct. Having said that, some...
May 2, 2016
I can always recognize when negativity is weighing on my body, mind and spirit as I feel extremely heavy in all areas.  My mind becomes foggy.  My disposition becomes depressed and/or agitated, and my spirit feels imbalanced and I become lazy and very sluggish.  My view of things becomes quite pessimistic and, although I know the methods in which to purge these toxins, it sometimes takes me a few spilled...
February 17, 2016