This so-called doctor is mean and dangerous and she hurt to the point that I will soon take my own life. She has no control over her practice and they treat patients like dirt! People make mistakes and doctors are no exception but when you question a doctor after a mistake has been made and they then lie about the incident then there is a special place in hell for that so-called doctor. Stay clear of this so-called medical doctor.
Dr. Buonocore nearly killed me after prescribing a drug without giving me any proper instructions about what it is, what it was suppose to do and if it had any bad side effects. The medication took me to the point of suicide and I got now help from Buonocore or her uncaring staff. I now just spend my days waiting and hoping for death to come my way. She knows what she did to me but I was not even given any form of apology. It just became a line of lies. I pray for my dark angel to come and take me now. My mind is now gone.
Just on sorrow excuse to act as a medical professional. She is extremly lazy and could care less about her patients. It might be time for this old lady to pack it up an retire before she damages anyone else. Hate fills my mind when I think of her.
Buonocore is a very mean spirited health care provider who does not listen to her patients and seems to distribute her care as if she is following a text book in how she practices medicine. All Patients are different and for some reason she does not understand this. She is difficult to deal with if you catch her on a bad day and when you leave her office you may feel as if you need to see another doctor who may have the answers to make you feel better. She is just a mean spirited, frustrated woman who is now in her late 50s and will hopefully be retiring soon so as to rid the Pittsburgh market of an imcompetant doctor,
Terrible doctor. Patients to her mean nothing. She and her practice are incompetent and if you have a serious problem, they could care less. On top of that she is untruthful. It was not how she tried to cover her mistake made in my care but how she insulted my intelligence that left me lost and broken. I had to leave her care or I would be dead !