I was fired as a patient because I did not go for blood tests and canceled a every 3 month appt. I felt was unnecessary. They are very money oriented. also during check up you are not allowed to bring up new medical issues you need to make an additional appt. also you will be charged 14.00 if you call in a prescription refill.
Horrible experience across the board. Signed up as new patient prior to pandemic in March 2020. They wanted to schedule an "initial consultation", at my expense. Told them I was not comfortable doing a non essential doctor visit during pandemic. Went in November for flu shot, told me they would not give me one unless I had the initial consultation. Explained that I wasn't going to pay $100 deductible for a flu shot for a non essential office visit that was free to me thru insurance. Went to Walgreens and received flu shot no problem.
Fast forward to June 2021 and I called to set up the initial consultation and annual physical. Was told I was "fired" as a patient since I refused to visit during pandemic.
Probably for the best as their facilities are very old, musty smelling, and very rude staff. You can tell much from how employees interact with customers how well a company is run, and this place is horrible.