Jiangkai Chen DDS

Jiangkai Chen DDS
Jiangkai Chen DDS 430 East Calaveras Boulevard Milpitas, CA 95035
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Consumer Feedback

(23 Reviews)
5 star average for Service
4.5 star average for Environment
5 star average for Expertise
5 star average for Staff
5 star average for Recommended
4 star average for Value
Does this provider always put the customer first?
Absolutely! They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen
Do you trust this dentist to only recommend dental procedures you need?
Absolutely! I'm very confident they have my best interest in mind
Do you feel that you could have received better service somewhere else?
Definitely not; I received the best service ever!
Does this provider ever overbook appointments here?
Never! They have lots of business, but they do such a great job of never overbooking.
Were the restrooms well-stocked at this provider's office?
Yes, they had everything you could possibly need!
by Anonymous
April 02, 2011
Does this provider maintain a professional appearance?
Absolutely! You can tell that he/she really makes an effort to look professional
Did this dentist practice good oral hygiene?
Definitely! They had one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen!
Did this provider answer all of your questions?
Every question I had was answered thoroughly
Did a staff member acknowledge or greet you when you entered?
Immediately! They gave me a friendly greeting as soon as I walked in
Does this provider have a good professional reputation within your community?
Yes, they are known for being good at what they do
by Anonymous
March 06, 2011
The dentist Chen doesn't care about your dentist. What he is interested in is how to use up your insurance money. He will persuade you do to many unnecessary operations. You will find how terrible you teeth are.My wife had good teeth. But she could not eat food after his treatment.After she visited several times and had two teeth pulled, the dentist asked her to come back next year because it used up the insurance. My wife got recovered after she visited another dentist out of our own pocket.
by garymill
November 27, 2010
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