I should have known better and seen the red flag when they insisted my husband had to come to my appointment or they could not review with me my xrays. Also that we were required to have all members of our family to be checked as well. When my husband disagreed with Dr. O. that degenterative disk disease could be stopped, then his temper was evident. He told us it was a mistake that we came, that my husband knew more than he did, even though he had been a doctor for 14 years. He raised his voice as he led us down the hall and told the nurses station to get us out of there. I would never allow one of his nature to try to adjust my spine. My condition remains severe. They made sure that their qualifications were obvious. I was assuming he was a professional. I did not feel safe with them at all. I was scared that something was going to go wrong. I feel like my appointment was pointless. None of my questions were answered, nothing was accomplished, and I felt worse when I left, especially emotionally. He was suppose to represent the Lord God. He had all the outward things present, Christian music playing, plagues on the walls etc. I feel bad for the ones who got accepted. It was clear that if you did not agree with their agenda then you were not accepted as a patient. It is experiences like these that make a person lose hope of ever trusting a health care professional again. I hate to write this, but this was my appointment yesterday, April 5,2011.