Every single time I visit, they vary their technique so I don't get the same massage every time. They are extremely knowledgeable. I love that I can count on them to work with me until they find a solution for my situation. Other places I've visited, seem to give up after they don't have an answer for me the first time, but not here. I loved that they just let me take a nap and relax during my massage, and didn't constantly try to make conversation. I got a massage to relax, and I appreciated that they let me do that. They always take the time to listen to me. I know they really care about me and what I have to say. They always go above and beyond to help me with anything I need. They never complain about anything, and I know I can always count on them.
They knew so much about the different types of massages. They were able to do massages that I had never even heard of before. I don't think I have ever been put on hold here for a long time and am so impressed with how quickly all of my questions are answered. There's nothing worse than having to wait on hold for a half an hour just to get someone to talk to you. They made the extra effort to make sure every question and concern I had was addressed. As far as massages go this is one of the best ones I have ever had. I plan on telling everyone I know about this place. I couldn't believe how great their office looked. It was very obvious that they took pride in the office's appearance. It was one of the best looking offices I've ever seen.