I have no conscious memory of having visited this hypnotherapist. That would be my problem. I do have a conscious memory of having visited the Cranberry Psychological Center, which has no hypnotherapist listed on staff. I've somehow been hypnotized without my knowledge or consent, and I haven't been able to stop it once I know. I know because two people who were asked by the hypnotherapist to join in were obnoxious enough. CPC has been ghosting when I attempted to stop the hypnotherapy, which is unethical by any mental health ethics code. Since there's still someone giving cues, one Pittsburgh area hypnotherapist must be giving them. I know that if you have a mind you value, you don't want to deal with Cranberry Psych. I don't know which hypnotherapist you need to avoid, so it would be wise to avoid hypnotherapy, since anything that can happen to me can happen to you.