What Causes Muscle Spasms?
A spasm is a temporary burst of energy, activity, emotion,stress, or anxiety, causing a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle, a group of muscles, or a hollow organ, (like the liver) or a sudden contraction of an orifice. They may be experienced with a sudden burst of pain, but are usually ...
Look Years Younger, Cheaper Than a Facelift
Exercise is most certainly essential for your body, but it’s also great for your face. Facial exercises can improve skin tone and elasticity, reduce visible lines, help enhance your smile and increase blood flow to improve muscle tone that can help you look younger and healthier. A study publishe...
6 Possible Reasons for the Obesity Epidemic In America
Bigger isn’t always better. Americans are heavier today than they were just 2 decades ago. The average American man weighs about 196 pounds (approximately 15 pounds heavier than 20 years ago) and the average woman weighs about 168 pounds (approximately 16 pounds heavier than 20 years ago). Even o...
Headache Sufferers Beware: Your Remedy May Increase Risk
If you are one of the 12 percent of Americans that get migraine headaches, you may want to think twice before reaching for that medication that seems to work only part of the time. I know, it’s crazy to think that in the midst of one of these episodes that you could even stop and think, but there...
Binge Drinking Dangers
“I occasionally drink too much, but it’s not a problem for me.” How many people have said that? They may be fooling themselves if they think that going overboard, or “binge drinking” of alcohol doesn’t affect their overall health.Just four glasses of wine for women or five glasses for men in 2 ho...