Imuniti is a manufacturer and marketer of pharmaceutical products and complimentary natural medicines as well as high protein and fortified powdered nutritional food products and supplements. see: Imuniti manufactures of the Wellness pack passes clinical medical trails. The Super food wellness p...
This is an opportunity to use the technology available to Edge2Edge Global (E2E)
Food production program is aimed at food farming and processing in order to sustain food security. World Food Program's food and operations costs are now 30 percent higher than at the same time last year because of increases in prices of basic food commodities. The World Bank estimates that in Af...
Need for greater investment in agriculture
There is a need for greater investment in agriculture in african countries and the sector must be placed at the center of the development agenda if the goals of halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015 are to be realized. In agriculture-based countries home to 417 million rural people, 170 mill...
Prevention is considerably cheaper and more effective than a cure.
Africa is in a desperate need that an action is taken now to support this project that will prevent vulnerable communities from becoming malnourished as a result of the pricing crisis. Wait too long to act, and treating millions of malnourished men, women and children will prove a huge undertakin...
HIV and AIDS affect the economy
One way in which HIV and AIDS affect the economy is by reducing the labour supply through increased mortality and illness. Amongst those who are able to work, productivity is likely to decline as a result of HIV-related illness. Government income also declines, as tax revenues fall and government...