Married mother of four. Oldest son is an officer in trhe USARMY. He and his wife are stationed in Germany and are newly "with child". Middle son and his wife have two boys and reside in Alabama. He is a Plumber by trade and she is an at home mom. Youngest son and his wife reside here in the burbs of New Orleans. He is with an area bank in the IT dept. She is employed by a local medical Institution. Our youngest is a daughter married to a Real Estate Investor and she is in Nursing school presently. Hubby and I have been married this year 9 years. Oh yes, the boys are his and I had the girl. But they all belong to US!!
Hometown: Harahan, LA United States
Occupation: Retired on disability
Interests: Gardening, assisting the elderly, selling on Ebay as a hobby. Having family gatherings and crawfish, shrimp and crab boils.
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