Why Online Games Are Good For Your Mental Health
Online gaming is still met with sneers of derision and a general consensus that those who don a headset and sign onto a server are illiterate teenagers wearing food stained pajamas, who reside for days at a time in a fusty smelling room with no natural light. But online gaming has come a long way...
Understanding addiction: From Admission to Recovery
Addiction isn’t an elusive and rare thing that happens to someone else. In reality, it’s something that affects and touches most people or families in some way and needs to be brought out into the open and discussed with compassion.A recent study found that alcohol abuse affects as many as one in...
How to Cope: Different Ways of Dealing With Loss
It is one of life’s biggest challenges, dealing with the feelings of loss when someone close to you - whether that be a friend or family member - passes away. It can be such an overwhelming time, and it is different for everyone, each and every person grieves in their own way. Sometimes it is har...
The Importance of Staff Cleanliness In Hospitals
In recent years there have been frightening cases of deadly superbugs such as MRSA, and now MSSA, taking hold in our hospitals. When we are admitted into the hospital because of illness or injury, the last thing we would expect is to be at risk of contracting a life-threatening infection. A recen...
The Science Behind Weight Loss: How Protein Helps You Safely Lose Weight
If only losing weight were easier, wouldn’t that make life simpler? It’s thought that as many as 29 million Brits a year try to shed the pounds through their diet and/or exercise. Yet for too many of those the process is frustrating and unsatisfactory.Many people start trying to lose weight with ...