Doctors+ is the exciting alternative for patients and also a practical solution for medical professionals!
Incredibly user-friendly for patients of every generation, our web directory is filled with engaging, media rich content.
And what's most important? No exorbitant prices. No recurring fees.
Our one-time setup fees of $75-475 provide doctors and practices with several solutions to create highly marketable, customized content that is optimized for search — all within our geo-targeted directory.
You may view a comparison chart of our one-time setup fees here:
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I would love to address any further questions you may have.
Best Regards,
Charles Haynes
Doctors+ Specialist
Interests: Helping you attract new patients & keep them engaged, while enhancing your online reputation. Doctors+ is a new listing service connecting patients with providers, using advanced analytics to bridge the gap between technology & finding medical treatments.
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