5 Clever Things You Can Do With VapoRub
Think VapoRub is just for cold and flu season? You can do more with VapoRub than you think. That little jar gathering dust in your bathroom cabinet may have more uses than you know about. We’ve uncovered 5 clever things you can do with it.Use it to make invigorating shower bombs, or try it as an ...
5 Conditions People Can Catch From Pets
Animals can contract viral and bacterial illnesses just like humans. But do animals pass these on to their owners? There answer is it depends. While animal illnesses like heartworm or kennel cough can’t be shared with humans, there certainly are conditions that can. Pets can share toxoplasmosis, ...
Eye Color More Complex Than We Realized
Our genes determine everything from body type and facial features to hair and eye color. Experts once believed the genetics behind eye color was simple, with a small number of genes responsible for our many subtle differences. Now, they’re finding they’ve barely touched the surface.There may be s...
Healthy Ways to Manage Anger
Anger is one of the most basic of human emotions. It's experienced even by babies. But while infants and toddlers manage their anger primarily with tears and physical reflex, such as hitting, adults have better options. Using healthy ways to manage anger can benefit your mental and physical healt...
Why Kidney Stones Are on The Rise
Approximately 10% of people will experience the excruciating pain associated with a kidney stone at least once in their lives. What’s more, that number is on the rise. In the 2000s, the prevalence rate for kidney stones was 8.8%, compared with 3.8% in the 1970s. If the current trend continues, fu...