Heather Gunn, MS, CNS, LDN
Heather is a clinical herbalist, licensed clinical nutritionist and fitness consultant. She has special interest in supporting overall health, weight loss, hormone balance and stress management. She is deeply rooted in the development of preventive wellness models that are health focused. Heather is a strong believer in functional wellness and uses nutrition and plants to support good sleep, improved energy, better concentration, low stress levels and balanced hormone production. Heather attained a Master of Science in Plant Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH). She has worked as an herbal medicine compounder and quality control educator in the herb dispensary at MUIH. She is a certified nutrition specialist in the state of Maryland through the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild, which represents the voices of people specializing in the use of plants as medicine. Heather is fascinated with the synergistic relationship between plants and people when used to influence genetic expression.
Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland USA
Occupation: Functional Wellness Consultant
Interests: Beaches, Running, swimming, outdoors, Fitness, Health, Fun, Exercise
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