I have my own emotional healing and life coaching practice here in In my work I meet your where you are and tailor the sessions around you and what you need in the moment. The coaching process helps you tap into your own wisdom and facilitates clarity and focus.
My coaching specialty is supporting innovative people to get in focused alignment with their life purpose and make their greatest contribution. We are at an important time in history when we have the need and the opportunity to live our deepest truths and highest callings. These sessions can help you grow at your evolution's edge and put into action your deepest truth to bring your soul visions into practical action and experience. These sessions include coaching as well as EFT “tapping” and PSYCH-K, forms of energy psychology. These methods deeply heal trauma, anxieties, doubts and negative beliefs.
I also offer healing sessions specializing in self-esteem, trauma, fears/anxiety and spiritual issues. I use EFT and PSYCH-K for deep, effective and accelerated emotional healing.
Hometown: Eugene, OR United States
Occupation: Life Coach and Healer
Interests: Emotional Healing, the connection between science and spirituality, history, dance, meditation, books, ecology, world transformation...
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