Oleg Arkhipov is a very skilled massage therapist, with own unique style of medical massage. State licensed, national certified, a certified orthopedic manual therapist, a member of the ABMP. Also, a certified Usui Reiki Master Practitioner and healer.
Oleg's interest and education have been mainly in deep tissue and orthopedic massage techniques because he has found them to be effective at getting rid of pain. Whether trying to resolve a specific issue, or just focusing on overall relaxation, a typical client who comes to see him usually prefers an orthopedic or deep tissue massage - often requiring a lot of pressure. His clients tend to be people who require more than stress-relief massage.
The most rewarding thing about his work is when his clients tell him how much better they feel after their massage - their headache is gone, their low back or neck doesn't hurt anymore, they can turn their head again, or they feel deeply relaxed.
Oleg loves what he does, and finds it very satisfying to learn new skills that produce results for his clients.
Make an appointment with Oleg today!
Hometown: Mequon, WI United States
Occupation: licensed massage therapist
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