Kailas works for LA Yoga Magazine, and has a private practice in Ayurveda. His website is <url removed>.
He has completed 200 hours of externship at the Upledger Institute, providing CranioSacral Therapy to patients recovering from severe brain and spinal cord injuries, paralysis, spasticity, speech impediments, and musculoskeletal issues.
At the Institute, Kailas had the privilege of working with Dr. John Upledger during his rounds at the clinic.
Kailas also completed a 500 hour training program in Ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga), Marma therapy and Pancha Karma therapy with Drs. Light and Bryan Miller.
Radiating an intellectual light that is suffused with a deeply compassionate nature, Kailas brings together the healing techniques of east and west.
In 1985, as a young man of 20, Kailas began a study of yoga and meditation which built the foundation for his bodywork practice. The energy and experience he brings to the massage table includes many hours of sitting at the feet of spiritual scholars, studying Sanskrit, Vedanta and volunteering his talents in charitable work.
Today, Kailas is a certified CranioSacral Therapist, and a certified Ayurvedic Consultant specializing in Ayurvedic Massage. He is nationally certified in therapeutic massage, and is a licensed massage therapist. Kailas is also a practitioner member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.
Kailas is also a talented writer. He has engagingly described many profound experiences he had while studying Ayurveda in his site, Los Angeles Ayurveda: Ayurveda by Kailas. He has also written extensively on the Clinical Applications of CranioSacral Therapy and other topics at his blog, CranioSacral Topics.
Kailas believes that the doorway to healing is trust - a profound truth he embraced wholeheartedly after discovering CranioSacral Therapy. In his article on CranioSacral Therapy Certification, titled CranioSacral Calling, he explains how his becoming a Certified CranioSacral Therapist was actually a training in how to trust the underlying power and grace of healing. Kailas’s first encounter with Ayurvedic medicine in 1987 was a similarly formative experience in learning to be open to grace.
Kailas practices Ayurveda in Los Angeles and Los Angeles CranioSacral Therapy in Los Angeles
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
Occupation: Therapist
Interests: Ayurveda, CranioSacral Therapy, Bodywork, Massage.