Brooke's philosophy is to work with the body to allow for each individual's unique expression. Brooke takes a holistic approach to bodywork calling on varied specialized educations and trainings. She uses techniques which are tai-lored to each individual client. Each session is a unique experience based on you, your needs, and your goals.
Brooke has over 9 years experience with a certification in Massage Therapy and an Asso-ciates of Occupational Studies, both from the Boulder College of Massage Therapy. Brooke is also a certified Muscle Activation Tech-niques Specialist, has attained a certification in Lymphatic Drainage and various energy tech-niques. She continues her studies of Cranial Sacral and Conscious Touch work under her mentor Char Huber.
Through Brooke’s continued experience in the field of body work, she recognized the need for follow up exercise. With research and dedica-tion, Brooke ended her search when she re-ceived her certification in Russian Kettle Bells. She found that Russian Kettle bells provided the best form of rehabilitation as well as strength and conditioning she has ever experienced
Hometown: San DIego, CA United States
Occupation: Health and Wellness
Interests: my personal health and wellness. supporting people in finding their health and wellness, finding beauty in every experience, travel, adventure, exercise of most forms, discovering new things
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