What Every User of Acetaminophen Needs to Know
Most parents think of Tylenol as a wonder drug -- harmless, readily available, and a miraculous cure for teething fussiness, ear infection pain, fevers and other childhood maladies. But when an old friend's son died recently from tylenol poisoning, I did some research. Call me naive, but I was sh...
Does your child's rubber ducky have phthlates?
Did you know that many toys have phthalates in them? Hundreds of independent studies published in respectable, peer-reviewed scientific journals over the past forty years have linked phthalate exposure to serious health effects in children, including reduced testosterone levels, lowered sperm cou...
The Baby Borrowers
The babies won't remember the experience, so it won't hurt them." So goes the justification for NBC's new reality series, "The Baby Borrowers," in which babies and toddlers are sold by their parents to be mishandled by teenagers for days at a time. What year is this? We now have almost a century ...
When is tough love torture?
Did you know that residential treatment programs for teens are big business? It's a massive industry that includes hundreds of poorly-regulated programs around the country. A terrifying expose in MotherJones Magazine by Maia Szalavitz poses the question: "When Is Tough Love Torture?"Says Szalavit...
Birth Order Debunked
I recently wrote on my YourParentingSolutions.com blog about the new birth order study that's causing all the fuss. The short version is: Researchers think they've proven that first borns have higher IQs, and parents are worried about their later-born kids. I say, reading to them makes up the dif...