Mind Sex Brings Passion Into Your Marriage (don't avoid it)
Creating Mind SexMind sex is not about playing a game or manipulating your partner. Mind sex is mental foreplay before sex, and some men have mastered this already in their marriage while others have no idea what it is.The men that have mastered mind sex in a marriage are those guys whose wives j...
Men's Sexual Health Issues and Where to Go For Help
Men are very tied into how their sexual health may affect their everyday lives. When a problem happens with a man¡s libido, erectile dysfunction, anxiety around sexual perform it can rain havoc on their lives. These problems may vary but usually include: Lack of Desire Decreased Pleasure Problems...
The never ending circle of anxiety and erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction is a problem that can develop as a result of performance anxiety or it can also be the initial cause and then create performance anxiety. Isolated episodes of not getting an erection or of losing an erection at an inopportune time are extremely common but for some men can tri...
How to talk about sexual health problems, dealing with shame and where to get help
When a person has sexual problems it is usually associated with a sense of deep shame that an individual would been caring around for years. Having the strength to open up to a professional about this is one of the hardest things to do. Human Sexuality is not something that can be looked at in ju...
The continued debate on women using testosterone to boost their sex drive
Most people understand that male sexuality is related to testosterone. When a man is feeling a low sex drive testosterone levels is one of the first tests that a doctor may run or even prescribe testosterone replacement. This of course is not the same when a woman expresses loss of sexual drive a...