Growing up, going to see a counselor or psych doc, was synonymous with going to see a doctor for a soar throat or worse. I’ve seen good one’s and I’ve seen bad one’s. Sooo, you name it, "I’ve been there, done that." At least that’s how I feel. The reality is though; I will never see it all, experience it all, or know it all.
Hometown: KS United States
Occupation: medicine, mother
Interests: A. Finding out who I am under all these years of interference.
B. Finding my ’Peace.’
C. To receive unconditional ’Love’ and give unconditional ’Love.’
D. My children
E. My family
F. My friends (should being a friend, come with conditions?)
G. Helping, caring, healing, teaching, enlightening, others.
H. The Arts - to witness, experience, participate, share, any expression of the Arts.
a. I’ve played violin and piano.
b. I love to sing. Not always well, but I won’t let that stop me.
c. I enjoy writing
d. I’ve been an actor. Not that anyone could tell. Well, my mom could always tell.
e. I love to dance.
f. I enjoy creating physical art; crafts, drawing, painting, cooking, etc...
g. It gives me a high, when I’m able to use my medical education, for healing others.
Art is all around us, I wish everyone took the time to acknowledge it.
bentheredonthat hasn't written any posts.