Personal Achievement Academy Instructors believe that with every positive experience and good choice that a child makes, they climb one rung higher on the ladder of success. As community leaders, our job is to inspired kids and teens at our exciting seminars, held in neighborhoods near you! Our goal is to help young people remove fear from their lives so that they can accomplish all of their goals. We also use martial arts as a tool for leadership and life skills training. PAA Branchburg is a non-profit organization and is part of an international group called Personal Achievement Academy. We feel so strongly because we believe that our community flourishes with the help of charismatic leaders that have a passion for volunteering and giving back.
Hometown: Branchburg, NJ United States
Occupation: Certified Instructor
Interests: Inspiring kids to listen to their parents, get better grades, how to deal with bullies, and stanger danger, and live healthier lives
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