Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Safflower Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Corn Oil, and all Non-butter junk and margarine, ... and all factory made oils are TOXIC and very, very bad for you. THEY CAUSE BELLY FAT because you're body cannot process them and it stores them in the belly. They all contain "trans fats" .These oils are very damaging to the arteries, they "burn" your arteries. All of these so called "healthy" oils are made through a very high tech process, with very toxic chemicals to extract the oils. If you can't made the oil in your kitchen with a press, don't buy it! Some good oils are Olive, Coconut, Avocado.
Posted by mark
Portion control, friend. You have to change more, eat less, and exercise......try a few crunches, like 500 per day; you'll either drop dead or you'll end up looking awesome.
Posted by Eric Stratten
I eat every one of the foods you list for getting rid of belly fat. I am trim and in good shape, but I have belly fat. So, what are your suggestions since the foods you list do not appear to work for me?
Posted by Arlene