Let’s face it, when you talk about skin care, you’re pretty sure all the special creams you put on your skin run but skin-deep. Consequently, this gives you virtual permission to experiment with as many skin care products as humanly possible without bothering to check the labels. Be wary though; not only is such a devil-may-care attitude hazardous, chances are, pretty soon you’d be calling your mom as every single dollar in your reserve has vanished.
Truth be told, whatever special concoction you apply to your skin gets absorbed by your body - down into your lymphatic system. That means everything your beauty cream is and is not saying on its label becomes part of your system, inevitably. Unfortunately, many skin care products today carry an army of toxins – not to mention carcinogens.
The good news is coconut oil could be just what the doctor ordered. For starters, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Secondly, not only does it allow you to be beautiful outside, its healing properties will help get your skin back in shape when it’s beset with anomalies - natural and otherwise. Here are 3 of them.
Coconut oil contains a host of natural vitamins and minerals. Also, it possesses both antifungal and antibacterial properties that would put to shame every FDA-approved drug on the list.
To note, thanks to its beneficial elements, (e.g., Ferulic acid, phenolic compounds) coconut oil is one of the strongest deterrents against free radicals with its one-of-a-kind maximum antioxidant property.
And the best part is coconut oil is edible - cementing its rise to fame as a superfood that’s perfect for your skin.
Of all things feared by women and men alike, the appearance of wrinkles may be considered one of the most nightmarish. However, thanks to coconut oil, you may as well cancel that Botox appointment and put away your plans of buying all those expensive wrinkle creams.
With a slew of antioxidants under its belt, coconut oil can help protect your skin from wrinkle-causing free radicals. Plus, the heavenly oil contains natural moisturizers that are effective in preventing fine lines and much-feared wrinkles. Add a rich supply of Vitamin E and A and you’re ensured a healthy supply of collagen to help keep skin firm and yet supple.
Coconut oil prevents dreaded skin sagging and wrinkles by maintaining the connective tissues of the skin. Made up mainly of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) and Lauric acid, the oil from the Cocos nucifera palm tree facilitates needed repair for damaged skin, protecting against the onslaught of harmful UV rays.
To fight wrinkles, you can use coconut oil as a stand-alone product or combine it with other natural ingredients for best results.
No matter the age of the patient, cancer carries a stigma that sounds like a death sentence. Even though some forms of skin cancer may not be malignant, it’s serious enough to cause undue stress for any human afflicted by it.
Before you’re consumed by despair and grief, know that coconut oil could be a lifesaver in this department. Recent studies have revealed that virgin coconut oil has been observed to carry strong anti-carcinogenic effects and has even had positive results for women with breast cancer. One test study, for instance, observed rats that were chemically induced with colon cancer. It was found that those groups of rats introduced to coconut oil on a regular basis had the lowest incidence of intestinal tumors. Furthermore, researchers at the University of Adelaide had an even more astounding find. Published in the Cancer Research journal, their study showed that Lauric acid - dubbed the active anti-cancer component of coconut oil - is so powerful that it completely eliminated 90% of colon-cancer-carrying cells in as little as two days.
The trick here is consistency. Although topical application is best, daily coconut oil ingestion is highly recommended. Note that baking soda, known for its alkaline nature, plays a key part in forming an anti-carcinogenic solution with coconut oil.
No young adult wants acne scars. Certainly, those uneven pigments on your skin could be embarrassing and could also affect one's confidence and self-esteem. Scars, however, whether caused by acne or by wounds, are just the body’s healing reaction. By nature, they are regions of fibrous tissue that take the place of normal skin after an injury takes place. In short, scars are just a natural phenomenon and shouldn’t be cause for alarm.
Luckily, coconut oil has a lot to offer in the anti-inflammatory and analgesic departments. This is the reason why it’s virtually a one-stop shop for many skin irregularities, including eczema, psoriasis, acne and much more.
Coconut oil’s make-up (i.e., Lauric acid, vitamin E, Capric, Caprylic acid) fits the bill as a remedy ointment for fading scars. Vitamin E, most especially, has been notable in speeding up the healing of skin abrasions and a host of other skin traumas. Furthermore, coconut oil prevents the formation of more scars as it's strong antioxidant presence deters free radical damage, acting as a defensive barrier in the process. In this 2010 study researchers conclude that wounds treated with virgin coconut oil healed faster because collagen production was increased.
Following these best practices should ensure that your scarring is minimized. Not only that, by applying the coconut oil, you get a soothing effect that’s beneficial for the areas involved.
Careful, not all coconut oil is equal. Before you unwittingly put coconut cooking oil on your face, here are quick and easy steps to identify the coconut oil superfood that your skin needs.
Basically, there are two kinds of coconut oil, one that comes from sun-dried coconuts and the other from fresh coconuts. Coconut oil extracted from sun-dried coconut, or copra, is derived by applying very high heat. Because of this, and the many chemicals involved in the process, the resulting product loses its coconut taste. Such a coconut oil is called refined coconut oil. As you may have guessed, this coconut oil is best used for cooking.
The other type of coconut oil comes from the freshest of coconuts. What’s notable is that high heat isn’t used in extracting the fruit’s oil. Thus, not only does the resulting oil taste and smell a lot like coconuts, it carries the most nutrients. Dubbed unrefined coconut oil, or organic virgin coconut oil (VCO), this is the coconut oil that you should go for, as it has the most coco nutrients preserved.
In purchasing, check labels to be sure. But if no labels exist, the smell and taste of the coco oil should betray its processing. More often than not, when it tastes and smells like coconut, that coconut oil is unrefined coconut oil – the one to go for.
If you’re still mulling over the use of coconut oil as a superfood for the skin, try applying some on a small skin wound. You’ll be surprised how much faster the wounds will heal with regular application. Then, when your comfortable, step up your use of coconut oil and enjoy its health and beauty benefits.
No wonder coconut oil has been labelled by millions as a gift from the gods as its benefits to man seem endless.
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