We’re told time and time again by dieticians, physicians and trainers which foods to eat and which to avoid. What if it isn’t the meals, but simply the ingredients we should be focusing on for nutrition?
A study released by PLOS One discovered an alternative way to ranking foods based on their nutrition. Their nutrient-profiling approach and network-based analysis provided insight into the relationship between foods and nutrients.
The results supported other studies by finding animal-derived foods (for example meat, eggs, fish) contained high amounts of proteins and fats, while plant-derived foods (such as fruits and vegetables) had small amounts of protein.
So, what foods should you be including in your diet? Here are 10 foods to help reach your daily nutrient requirements.
1. Almonds
Nuts are a very popular go-to for many when dieting, especially as an alternative for high sugar or high fat snacks. This is because they contain many health benefits including vitamin E, protein, magnesium and fibre. Almonds in particular are one of the healthiest nuts as they contain less saturated fats than other varieties.
2. Cherimoya
The nutritional value of cherimoya is quite high as they contain vitamin C and potassium. The fruit, most commonly known as custard apples, can also help control blood pressure.
3. Ocean Perch
Like most fish, Ocean Perch is considered healthy for a number of reasons. In particular, Ocean Perch contains high levels of vitamin E and K.
4. Flatfish
Another nutritious fish is flatfish, which is a great source of protein. It’s also low in fact and contains vitamin B and magnesium.
5. Chia seeds
One of the most recently hyped nutritional foods are chia seeds, mainly as they’re low in calories yet high in nutrients. These include fibre, antioxidants, calcium, iron, protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
6. Pumpkin seeds
Similar to chia seeds, pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients including fibre and protein, along with the additional benefits of high levels of zinc and magnesium.
7. Swiss chard
Swiss chard, also known as silverbeet, seakale beet, leaf beet and a few other names, is low in calories yet in high in a number of nutrients. These include vitamin K, A and C, magnesium, potassium, fibre and iron. If you’re not a fan of swiss chard, there are alternatives such as spinach and beets.
8. Pork fat
Possibly the most surprising food listed is pork fat as it contains levels of ‘bad’ fats and isn’t as low in fat as other meats such as chicken or fish. With this being said, it’s a healthier alternative to red meat and contains protein, zinc and iron.
9. Beet greens
A member of the same family as the swiss chard, beet greens, contain vitamin K, A and C along with additional nutrients.
10. Snapper
Another fish containing omega-3 fatty acids and protein is snapper. Though it has health benefits, it’s important to remember snapper is very high in mercury and shouldn’t be consumed daily.